AAMHC Archive Film Listing:
- Land of the Zuni and Community Work
- Paper Bread (Hewe) Making and Corn Grinding
- Deer Skin Tanning and Wrapping the Leggings
- Hair Washing
- The Santo Ceremony (Dancing for the Santo Niño)
- Pottery Making
- Oven Building and Bread Making
- Weaving a Blanket
- Making Adobe Bricks and House Building
- Gathering Salt from Zuni Salt Lake
- Hawikku/Kechiba:wa Excavation (Including stick races)
The Zuni Cultural Resource Advisory Team has determined the following films are restricted to A:shiwi people only:
- Rain Ceremony (Summer time dancing)
- The Sha’lako Ceremony at Zuni
Contemporary Short Films:
- Pathways to Zuni Wisdom
- A:shiwi Doye:nakwe
- A:shiwi Map Art
- Zuni in the Grand Canyon